Hello, Adventurer! The maps in this package correspond to the version of Dungeon ported to C and given a Glk interface by Andrew Plotkin. I used the Windows version, which employs David Kinder's Windows Glk libraries. The whole shebang is available at: ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/games/pc/dungeon_winglk.zip The mapping program I used is Christopher Madsen's GUEmap, and that program is necessary to view these files. GUEmap is shareware, but the free version can view all these maps. That program is available at: ftp://ftp.gmd.de/if-archive/mapping-tools/GUEmap102.zip The "beginning" map (that is, the one containing the "West of House" location) is Dungeon aboveground.gmp. Rooms that overlap with other maps are marked with an asterisk -- double-clicking those rooms in GUEMap will allow you to view their "notes" field, which will indicate the map to which they connect. The one map not done in GUEmap format is the map for the Royal Puzzle, which makes altogether more sense when laid out in ASCII. The text file "Royal Puzzle.txt" contains the initial configuration of the puzzle, as well as a walkthrough for it. I've tried to make these maps as accurate as possible, which is an unbelievably frustrating process with this particular game. I still consider them a work in progress, and anyone who'd like to correct their inevitable errors is welcome to do so; please notify me before uploading the corrected version to the archive. Finally, be warned: these maps are *loaded* with spoilers. If you're trying to preserve the surprises, look elsewhere. I created them mainly for my own use while playing the game, but I'm sharing them because I had wished I could find some maps in GUEmap format for the game, and I figure I'm probably not the only one. Questions, comments, and hints on how to go south from the Translator's Annex are welcome at obrian@colorado.edu. Feel Free! Paul O'Brian Westminster, Colorado 9 June 2001